Muhammadiyah: The Tarjih and Tajdid the calculation for the beginning Ramadan 1445 H Falls on March 11, 2024


NEWS – The Muhammadiyah Central Leadership through the Tarjih and Tajdid calculation for the beginning of Ramadan, Shawwal, and Dhu al-Hijjah 1445 Hijriah. Based on this calculation, 1 Ramadan 1445 Hijriah is predicted to fall on Monday, March 11, 2024.

“Based on the hisab hakiki wujudul hilal which is used by Muhammadiyah, 1 Ramadan 1445 Hijriah falls on Monday Pon, March 11, 2024 AD,” said the Chairman of the Tarjih and Tajdid Council of the Muhammadiyah Central Leadership, Syamsul Anwar, in a press conference in Yogyakarta, Wednesday (8/3).

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Syamsul explained that Muhammadiyah’s calculation is based on the hisab hakiki wujudul hilal method which considers the position of the moon above the horizon at sunset. According to him, on the 29th of Sha’ban 1445 Hijriah, the height of the crescent moon in all parts of Indonesia will be above 3 degrees and the elongation (angular distance between the moon and the sun) will be above 6.4 degrees.

“Based on these parameters, then on March 10, 2024 AD, the crescent moon will be visible in all parts of Indonesia,” he explained.

Furthermore, Syamsul conveyed that the determination of the beginning of Ramadan 1445 Hijriah by Muhammadiyah is the result of a calculation that is used by the Islamic organization. He also appealed to Muslims in Indonesia to prepare themselves to welcome the holy month of Ramadan.

“To all Muslims in Indonesia, let us prepare ourselves to welcome the holy month of Ramadan with full enthusiasm and joy. Let us make Ramadan a moment to improve ourselves and strengthen our faith and piety to Allah SWT,” he appealed.

Meanwhile, the government through the Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) will hold an isbat session to determine the beginning of Ramadan 1445 Hijriah on March 10, 2024. This isbat session will be attended by astronomy experts, fiqh experts, and representatives of Islamic organizations.

“The government will hold an isbat session to determine the beginning of Ramadan 1445 Hijriah on March 10, 2024. This isbat session will use two methods, namely hisab and rukyat (observation of the moon),” said the Director General of Bimas Islam Kemenag, Kamaruddin Amin.

Kamaruddin appealed to Muslims in Indonesia to wait for the results of the isbat session which will be announced by Kemenag.

“To all Muslims in Indonesia, let us wait for the results of the isbat session which will be announced by Kemenag. Hopefully Ramadan this year will bring blessings and peace for the entire Indonesian nation,” he concluded.

About Muhammadiyah’s Calculation of Ramadan


Muhammadiyah’s calculation is an astronomical calculation method used by Muhammadiyah to determine the beginning of the Hijriah month. This calculation is based on the hisab hakiki wujudul hilal method which considers the position of the moon above the horizon at sunset.

Muhammadiyah’s calculation method has been used since 1927 and has become a reference for some Muslims in Indonesia.

Differences in Determining the Beginning of Ramadan

Differences in determining the beginning of Ramadan in Indonesia often occur due to the different methods used. Muhammadiyah uses the hisab method, while the government uses a combination of the hisab and rukyat methods (observation of the moon).

Although there are differences in methods, in general Muslims in Indonesia still welcome the month of Ramadan with full enthusiasm and joy.

Preparations for Welcoming Ramadan 2024

Approaching the month of Ramadan 1445 Hijriah, Muslims in Indonesia are starting to make various preparations. Here are some things that can be done to welcome the holy month of Ramadan:

  • Increase religious knowledge: Attend pengajian (religious studies), seminars, or read books about Ramadan to increase knowledge and understanding of worship in the month of Ramadan.

  • Prepare mentally and physically: Maintain health by exercising, regulating diet, and getting enough sleep so that you can carry out the fasting ritual optimally.

  • Prepare Ramadan practices: Prepare the Quran, prayer mats, and other prayer equipment. Determine the target of Ramadan practices such as tadarus (reciting) the Quran, tarawih prayer, and charity.

  • Prepare Ramadan budget: Prepare a budget for needs during the month of Ramadan, including for food, zakat (obligatory charity), and fitrah (charity for the poor).

  • Clean the house: Clean the house to make it more comfortable and conducive for worship during the month of Ramadan.

  • Prepare food for breaking the fast: Prepare food ingredients for breaking the fast and pre-dawn meals (sahur).

  • Do good to others: Increase good deeds such as helping others, giving charity, and maintaining good relations with family and friends.

With thorough preparation, Muslims are expected to be able to carry out their Ramadan ibadah (worship) with full devotion and piety.

Prayer for Welcoming Ramadan

Here is a prayer that can be recited to welcome the month of Ramadan:

“Ya Allah (O Allah), allow us to enter the month of Ramadan with full health and faith. Grant us strength to carry out the fasting ritual with full devotion and piety. Bestow Your mercy and grace upon us in this month of Ramadan. Amin (Amen).”

Ramadan as a Moment to Improve Oneself

The month of Ramadan is the right moment to improve oneself. Here are some things that can be done to improve oneself in the month of Ramadan:

  • Increase faith and piety to Allah SWT (God Almighty).
  • Improve morals and character.
  • Increase empathy and care for others.
  • Make a habit of reading the Quran.
  • Train yourself to be disciplined and control desires.
  • Increase gratitude for Allah SWT’s blessings.

By making the most of the month of Ramadan, Muslims are expected to become better individuals who are beneficial to themselves, their families, and society.

Message of Peace and Tolerance in Ramadan

The month of Ramadan is a month full of peace and tolerance. In this month, Muslims are taught to respect each other and appreciate differences. Here are some messages of peace and tolerance that can be conveyed in the month of Ramadan:

  • Let us make Ramadan a moment to strengthen the unity and integrity of the nation.
  • Let us respect and appreciate differences between religions.
  • Let us work together to build a peaceful and prosperous nation.

May Ramadan 1445 Hijriah bring blessings, peace, and prosperity to the entire Indonesian nation.

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